We are so glad you’ve joined us today… What is a “community friendship?” Simply, it is a gathering of hopeful sinners who believe that by faith life is enriched here and one day that same life will be eternal. How, you ask? Because we believe in a God who created, forgave, sacrificed, and provided a plan of salvation for all, regardless of race, religion, or sinfulness.
Come join this community of believers who love you and want you, because we are just like you.
Sabbath School 9:30-10:45
Worship Service 11:00
Today’s Memory Verse
“ 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. ” Ephesians 2:32
Sunset tonight 6:25 pm Sunset next Friday 7:32 pm
March 8, 2025
Please join us service this Sabbath!
Prayer Requests and Praises It is a joy and privilege to pray together during the worship service. The Bible instructs us to pray for one another for encouragement and healing. To be more efficient with our time and being mindful of others and the length of the service, please express your prayer requests in no more than thirty seconds. Thank you for your cooperation.
Great Controversy Study Session Study sessions are the second and fourth Sabbaths of each month. We’ll continue our discussion in Chapter 39. Bring your lunch and join us!
2025 Sabbath School Quarterlies Annual costs for next year’s are as follows: Adult, $15; Large Print Adult, $29.36; Adult Teacher’s, $39.04. Please see Suzanne if you with to start receiving quarterlies, or to discontinue them.
Audio/Visual Help Needed No experience required, just a desire to serve. See Joe Giargiana if interested.
Please stay for a fellowship meal following service!
- 9:30-10:45 am-Sabbath school * You can also access the weekly quarterly online: https://absg.adventist.org/next-quarter
- 9:45 am-Cradle Roll class will be held for infants through 5 years of age.
- 10:00 am-Primary Sabbath school class will be held for youth ages 6-10.
- 10:00 am-Junior Sabbath school class will be held via Zoom for youth ages 11-17. Please contact Theresa Moore at evesgreen@yahoo.com or (216) 502-7544. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2929137938, the meeting ID is 292 913 7938.
- 11:00 am-Elder Bill Rudolph will be giving today’s service.
- 1:00 pm-Great Controversy study of Chapter 39
For those of you that can’t be present at church, we offer the service on Facebook Live:
See you then!
Pastor Canizales & Your Church Family
Submit your announcements to the bulletin editor:
Email: Community_church_7@hotmail.com
How May We Serve You?
- Rafael Canizales, Pastor, rafael.canizales@ohioadventist.org Phone: (909) 562-5847
- Mike Sanborn, Head Elder oneyzGod@gmail.com Phone: (440) 352-1628
- Theresa Moore, Head Deaconess evesgreen@yahoo.com Phone: (216) 502-7544
- Bill Rudolph, Church Treasurer mail4rudolph@gmail.com Phone: (216) 324-3473
- Mary Reasor, Church Clerk maryreasor@att.net Phone: (216) 409-0950
- Suzanne Edic, Discover Bible School smaxie47@aol.com
- Cheryl Sanborn, Children’s Ministries Cherylsanborn57@gmail.com Phone: (440) 352-1628
- Bulletin editor email: community_church_7@hotmail.com
- Our Church Website: 1sdacommunity.org
- Facebook: facebook.com/1sdacommunity
- WiFi Key for SSID: 15DA password: 8196409333
Our location:7480 MAYFIELD RD.
PHONE: (440) 729-3642
Upcoming Events:• Every Tuesday at 7pm – Join the “Looking for GOD in Jesus” study series on Zoom
• Every Thursday at 7:30 pm – Join the Sweet Hour of Prayer ministry to pray for your needs and for our church. Dial (267) 807-9601 and input code 166542289#. The Central Ohio Association of Christian Broadcasting is airing Lifestyle Magazine (LM), a production of the SDA Faith for Today television ministry. The producers of Lifestyle Magazine ask that we support them by watching the program on Fridays at 8:00 pm. Viewing options follow:
Roku – Download the app COACB TV39
Android and Apple Download the app COACB TV39